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Start Spring Cleaning Every Month

Written by Jennifer Nixon | 3/16/20 8:58 PM

Why wait until Spring to deep clean your home? You can tackle a few things throughout the year to make this spring chore much easier to manage and keep your home feeling fresh all year round.


By working these 6 chores into your regular cleaning routine, your home will be cleaner all year long & you'll save time in the Spring to enjoy the beautiful weather outside instead of spring cleaning!


1. Clean your baseboards

When is the last time you really looked at your baseboards? Grab a dust cloth or microfiber towel and wipe them down to remove the dust. If they look a little grimy, use an all purpose spray to really make them sparkle. This is a great project kids can help with, divide and conquer!



2. Clean your ceiling fans

Your fan blades have been hard at work all year, don't wait for it to warm up when you start using them again to cleanup the dust. To minimize the dust that falls, fold a microfiber cloth over the blade to clean both sides and the edges at the same time.



3. Wipe down your cabinets

Microfiber cloths are great for wiping the faces of cabinets and a mild cleaner is great for the tough spots, I prefer using Method's All Purpose Cleaner. This is another great teamwork project to tackle with the kids - they can do the lower cabinets and you can do the uppers! 

You can alternate between cleaning the outside and the inside of your cabinets each month. 



4. Clear the clutter in your closets

Do you have clothes that don't fit? Or clothes you haven't worn in years? When is the last time you went through the kid's closets? Grab a large container with a lid and start gathering the clothing and shoes you no longer need.



Keep the bin in a closet, laundry room or garage for a couple weeks if you're worried you might change your mind. If not, make a trip to Goodwill or the Salvation Army to donate so someone else can reuse them.

I like to keep the bin in our guest bedroom closet year-round. This let's me easily add items throughout the year as we no longer need them, then we just make a trip to donate when it fills up.


5. Tackle the junk drawer

Seriously, everyone has one. They don’t have to look like a disaster zone though. We all have odds and ends that need a home, but with a little effort you can have what I like to call an Organized Junk Drawer. Using small containers, you can sort the junk into categories, have one for rubber bands & paperclips, pens, matches, etc.


6. Clean your Appliances

Your appliances need to be cleaned to maintain peak performance, but they don't have to be cleaned every month, so you can add your appliances into your cleaning schedule on a rotating basis or alternate between cleaning the outside & the inside

  • Refrigerator
  • Microwave
  • Oven
  • Toaster / Toaster Oven
  • Dishwasher
  • Washer
  • Dryer
  • Garbage Disposal
  • Vacuum Cleaner


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